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How Long Will My Fire Extinguisher Last

How Long Will My Fire Extinguisher Last?

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All the fire extinguishers we sell are produced by reputable manufactures in the industry under strict quality control measures and in their own factories. They are CE Marked and UKCA Approved. They are kitemarked to BSEN3. If you purchase your extinguishers from FireSafe West Midlands, you’re off to a good start.

Fire Extinguishers don’t expire as such and can last a very long time. If you’re a business or organization, you are legally required to have your extinguishers maintained on an annual basis. A service engineer will advise you, should any of the extinguishers show signs of requiring replacement. They can fail service inspections for a number of reasons including loss of pressure, cracked internal linings and corrosion amongst others.

If you’re buying for your own home, whilst there is no legal requirement, we do recommend annual servicing. If you decide not to have an annual service we advise that you replace the extinguishers every five years ( or in the case of CO2 every ten years). This is because at the 5 year interval (10 years for CO2), under service conditions, a fire extinguisher would be due an extended service/overhaul which includes a test by discharge, stripping down of the valve assembly, internal inspection, renewing internal seals, refilling and pressurizing the extinguisher to the correct operational pressure.

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